In the dynamic landscape of 2024, enterprises find themselves navigating a complex terrain, marked by surging interest rates, limited growth avenues, scarcity of skilled talent, and mounting cost pressures. To add to the mix, the uncertain geo-political factors create an urgency for CFOs to double up on identifying resources and to integrate swiftly. 

But amidst these challenges, there's a race unfolding to understand, and harness the boundless potential of Artificial Intelligence. Organizations are scrambling to uncover and capitalize on AI-driven solutions that will give them a decisive edge in the market. 

In response to these pressing conditions, enterprises are shifting their focus towards turbocharging the process to monitor, measure and ensure higher productivity across all their assets. This renewed emphasis aims to unlock vital resources for investment and sustainable growth. At the epicenter of this strategic shift stands finance, ready to take the lead in navigating these turbulent waters and charting a course for success. 

CFO Innovation Summit Asia elevates your financial leadership to new heights! Our meticulously crafted conference is your gateway to developing a formidable digital finance strategy and roadmap. Discover how to choose the perfect finance technology partners, master the art of managing tech costs and maximizing ROI, and ignite a passion for technology adoption within your finance function. 

The summit, in its 14th year, will lay the essential groundwork for building a digital finance powerhouse for your enterprise and finance operations that unleashes the full potential of data, technology, and innovation, paving the way for sustainable and profitable growth in the years ahead. Don't miss your chance to be part of this transformative journey. 

Who Should Attend

  • CFOs, MDs, VPs, Directors, GMs, and Senior Managers, involved in:
  • Financial Planning & Analysis (FP & A)
  • Strategic Planning & Forecasting
  • Costing & Budgeting
  • Treasury Operations
  • Project Financing
  • Accounting
  • Merger & Acquisition (M & A)    
  • Investment / Portfolio Management
  • Auditing & Internal Control
  • Tax Governance
  • Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
  • Statutory & Regulatory Reporting
  • Fiscal Policy Planning
  • Financial Technology Solutions

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